Monday, April 5, 2010

New Monday

Ahhhhh day one of Kims-blog. What to write? What to expect?

It's Monday in my World. Guessing it's Monday in your world too! As of late I get to have Mondays off from my silly phone-monkey gig. And, as of today, Spring is in full spring up here on the rock. This morning was one that words cannot touch! I dropped my son off for school and parked in town and walked my beasts to Bar Island, then back and around the shore path and all around town. Birds were awake and singing. Bicyclists were cycling. Children were smiling with their coats swung over their shoulders. The winter has broke wide open for us and it's wonderful!

What's bugging me today? My husband hasn't been paid for work done. Which means we have zero cash to buy food for lunches or dinners or anything. I realize this will be remedied but it really steams me up to think those with the money in their pockets are just keeping up appearances while screwing those who do all their work. bastardos.

What am I eating today? Coconut yogurt with two sliced kiwi's for breakfast, a Luna Protein bar for lunch... and unless we get some quick mula... we'll all be having buttered egg noodles for lunch!

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